Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Super Smash Bros. Wii U (PB1A)

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     Hey there! Today I'm going to be talking about a specific genre I love which is video games and the topic is Super Smash Bros. Oh yes, one of my favorite games of all time, this game will never get old to me no matter how many times I play it, but let's get down to it shall we?

     The Super Smash Bros. series was originally created by game developer  Masahiro Sakurai in 1999. The first installment of the series was Super Smash Bros. for the N64. This is where it all began, characters like Link, Pikachu, Donkey Kong, Kirby, Sonic The Hedgehog, Mega Man, Captain Falcon, Pac-Man, and Super Mario himself, and many more iconic are playable characters through out the series. Sounds cool right! Yea I know it does. But wait! There's more! In case you don't know, Super Smash Bros. is a multi-player fighting game that's family friendly and also played in tournaments. Sora Ltd. and Bandai Namco Games, with assistance from Tri-Crescendo, all helped with the development of Super Smash Bros., and the game was published by Nintendo.

     Now I know what you're thinking by now, "I thought this was a blog about Smash Bros. Wii U, not a back story and history about the game..." Well yes this is a blog about Super Smash Bros for the Wii U yes, but I thought that some of the extra stuff was quite interesting. But anyway let me get to the point. I've read a few reviews on this game and I've got to say, people have strong...opinions. Some say that It's the best one yet. Others say that it's to childish and is no where near tournament material like how Super Smash Bros. Melee and Super Smash Bros. Brawl was. But I went searching high and low trying to find some decent reviews, and there's one that I find to be pretty good. The review I found was written by Jose Otero, an editor on www.ign,com. His review was just the basics of the game and things you should know about before playing. The other two that I found was on the Super Smash Bros website, which basically  just introduces the characters, and on Wikipedia...yes, on Wiki, it gives a more broad explanation. But Jose's review is straight and to the point and that's good.

     Well, that's it, my blog on Super Smash Bros. I hope you liked it! And if you didn't well that's okay too. Thank you for reading. (=^.^=)

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