Friday, November 11, 2016

PB's, WP's, & Thlogs (Writing)

   In this course, I have been working on the PB's and WP's, and I have found that they really do help me understand writing. The PB's help me to discover different topics and analyze them in many different ways. It also helps me to take a look at different textual genres from a variety of perspectives and that has helped me a lot. Doing the PB's also help me with the WP's which are a bit more challenging.

     The WP's, however, I do find myself having a hard time trying to stay on track in my essays. Trying to tie our course readings, with different perspectives from different people, while still trying to make my argument can be a bit overwhelming. Though, the PB's have been helping me with that, they are like guides for me on the WP's. PB's have been really helpfully to me during this course.

     Writing thlogs also help me to get things off my chest, like talking about what I don't understand, or talk about certain things that I have a hard time with in this class. It also gives me a chance to talk about things that I do understand and what I'm getting better at. I think thlogs are probably the most helpful thing in this course and I'm glad to be able to use them as a resource.

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