Friday, November 11, 2016

Reading Like A Writer (Reading)

     In this thlog, I would like to talk about how my reading has developed so far in this course. In this course, I am learning how to read like a writer. With this strategy, I can look at certain things from a writers perspective. This is something that I can take with me after this course and it will help me in other classes. This strategy has also helped me to get a better understanding on the articles that we have been been reading in class. I'm finding it to be a lot more effective compared to how I used to read.

     Reading like a writer has also helped me to spot certain "moves" that writers make in there writing. This helps me because this can help me with my own writing so I can make my own "moves" and use them effectively. When I read some of the articles that was given to me in class, I find myself being able to pin-point certain conventions a lot more quickly than I used to. Plus it's kind of fun to be able to find them and compare different ones together to see which the best out of them.

     Finally, reading like a writer has helped me with the course readings in class. When I first started this course, I was having a hard time in class, but after taking a look at some of the conventions we go over in class, I was no longer stuck and I was able to move forward in the class.

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