Friday, November 11, 2016

Skimming & Scanning (Reading)

  Sometimes, I get lazy when it comes to reading. Reading word for word. Paragraph to paragraph. Sentence to sentence. When reading a long article, text, or even a blog, it can be a bit much to handle, well unless of course I'm reading something that a really like, than it is not really a problem. However, when I find myself reading a long article that I, am not a fan of, I skim or scan through the article in order to find the main point in the text.

     Skimming a text means to read a text quickly to get a general idea of the text. I use this strategy when I'm reading a text of some sort and I just want to find the the main point of the text without having to read it word for word. Next, scanning a text means to read a text quickly in order to find specific information and data, to avoid the stress of reading the whole text. I use this strategy for when I need to find important information within a text.

     Skimming and scanning are two strategies I use when I need to gain knowledge of a text quickly. This has helped me get through course readings faster than usual. It also helps me write my papers a lot quicker as well, this is something that will help me in other classes and I can take with me after this course.

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