Friday, November 11, 2016

Spotting And Evaluating..."Moves" (PB2A)

 In this project builder, I will be spotting and evaluating the moves of Will Greenwald in his article Brookstone Axent Wear Cat Ear Headphones.In his article, before he starts, he has a picture of the actual headphones at the beginning of his article. I call this the "Eye Candy Move". In some articles, people do not use pictures, but perhaps Greenwald uses this move to grab the attention of the readers and make his article look good. Next, under the picture, he has three columns titled "Pros", "Cons", and "Bottom Line" with details according to each title. I call this the "Pre-Review Move".

 He basically gives a short summary before the article even starts. He might be using this move for those who do not feel like reading and would rather not have to look through a bunch of details about the headphones. The last move that I would like to point out, is when he mentions that even when the base of a song is set to maximum and the volume is also set to maximum volume, the headphone speakers did blow out during the song. I call this the "Impressive Credibility Move". He uses this move to show what this item can do and why it is worth buying. Even though he did mention the good things about the headphones, overall, his article was more of a critical review, he mentions a lot of cons and negatives about the headphones.

     There are some details he gives about the headphones. He talks about how the sound quality is not that great and that the speakers on the ears are not very useful. This is the "Establishing Why Your Claims Matter Move". In his article, he is basically giving a critical review on the headphones and was making claims that the sound quality is not great and the speakers in the ears were not to useful multiple times, but yet he does mention that the headphones do work well at high volume.

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