Friday, November 11, 2016

Septa Strike!! (PB2B)

   The Septa strike was a very serious situation. Traffic was crazy, people who needed public transportation were having a hard time getting around, and caused a lot of commotion in Philadelphia. It was very sudden and very unexpected, and a lot of people were effected, some more than others. However, the ones that were hit the most by this strike are what is called, the "players", and I will be focusing on them.

     There are many possible players that were effected. College students, the disabled, those who can only travel by public transportation, the septa drivers, and even those who drive for Uber and Lyft. All of these players play a role in this situation: 

  • College students that travel using Septa will have a hard time getting to class if they can even get to class. Classes being canceled or students missing classes are things that happened while Septa was down. 
  • People who are disabled will have a hard time getting places like work or to go run errands. Just like regular people, those who are disabled also have things to go do and take care of. If they can't go and do certain things or go where they need to go, it can have pretty bad effects on their lives.
  • The septa drivers were effected because, well, they were on strike because their benefits were getting taken away. Also during their strike, they probably were not getting paid or getting less pay because they were not working during this time period.
  • People who only travel using public transportation were definitely effected because people have jobs and, or businesses to run. Certain appointments that people have made they probably did not make it.
  1. Also certain businesses were effected during the strike. Losing customers and losing money was a factor in all of this.
  • Uber and Lyft drivers were effected because since septa was down, they got more business and made a lot more money because so many more people were using both Uber and Lyft during this time period.
  1. Other than the drivers, the people using Uber and Lyft were also effected because the prices did rise by ten dollars during the strike.

     These were all of the players that were effected during the septa strike.

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